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The Spirit Of Internationalism Must Be Made Mandatory To Avoid Crime And Destruction On Earth
The Spirit Of Internationalism Must Be Made Mandatory To Avoid Crime And Destruction On Earth
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The Spirit Of Internationalism Must Be Made Mandatory To Avoid Crime And Destruction On Earth 
By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch 

image.pngThe excesses are being committed against humanity under the garb of so-called nationalism by the cruel in power by cruel means and they are no way democratic as democracy demands: the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (U.S. President Abraham Lincoln)
“That these dead shall not have died in vain– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863) It is one of the best known speeches”:
Do We Need International Day Of Internationalism Now?
The author of this  note personally feel that demand, “Taliban's Commitment Not To Allow Use of Afghan Soil For Terrorism In Any Manner Should Be Implemented: Jaishankar” is not of context, “The Spirit Of Internationalism Must Be Made Mandatory To Avoid Crime And Destruction On Earth” keeping in view the comment, “What a nice relation ? not with the home Muslims and Kisans, but with Talibanis, Do you Know Why?    Afghanistan will be used for the Business of Adani, Ambani Etc. For wheat and Rice etc. from India to Arab Countries and for Drugs, from Afghanistan to Adani's Port and to whole of the World”. Amar JIt Singh Chandi:
Could scandals, actions and laws be called by the government of the people, by the people, for the people as such?
Discussion only on Pegasus spyware scandal, the "three black farm laws" and raids on media houses in India: Opposition Demands - Highlights By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch
Discussion only on Pegasus spyware scandal, the "three black farm laws" and raids on media houses in India: Opposition Demands - Highlights By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch
The Supreme Court of India expressed its concern over unregulated content and fake news on social media sites:  Should the government step in to regulate misinformation on social media?
As to why only the common and poor people should be tortured and Jailed under the garb of consuming intoxicants in absence of any policy internationally on the matter?  To Stop The Opium Smuggling From Outside In Punjab: 
As to why Talbanis Are Not Addicted Despite... Approximately 84 Per Cent Of Global Opium Production Over The Past Five Years In Afghanistan? http://www.thekhalsa.org/frame.php?path=356&article=26288
(i)                 “As to why Talbanis Are Not Addicted Despite, “Afghanistan produced opium approximately 84 per cent of global opium production over the past five years”?
(ii)               Were the Indian especially Punjab politicians etc doing business to smuggle opium from Talbanis and Afghanistan? If yes: Why?
To Stop The opium Smuggling From Outside In Punjab:
(iii)             “If opium is in demand in India and Punjab, then as to why the opium is not produced controlling in Punjab like by Talbanis and Afghanistan, where no complaint of their addiction?
Who can say ‘*Dr. Dharamvira Gandhi, MP’ is wrong. incorrect or guilty about “The Plant Of Joy: Nature's anti depressant: opium poppies:"God's Own Medicine" Sir William Osler”?
 “The Plant Of Joy: Nature's Anti Depressant: Opium Poppies:"God's Own Medicine"
Opium was viewed as a medicine, not a drug of abuse:
Will ‘The Genuine Big Powers Moving Towards Ending Social Animals Created Unrest Against Humanity!”  Not Helpful To Bring Reforms In The World?
Submission: ‘Save Humanity’ from the cruel politicized agencies and from “The Politics Of Polarisation Is The Theme For Survival Of The Politicians Of India”:  
(i)                 The Vision:  The Politics Of Polarisation Is The Theme For Survival Of The Politicians Of India: http://www.thekhalsa.org/frame.php?path=356&article=26294
(ii)               No One Else But The Central Agencies Rule Minorities Through Their Puppets In India:
"Freedom, equality, opportunity, and a belief in the universal rights of all people”. US President, Joe Biden:
In the light of above, ‘"Freedom, equality, opportunity, and a belief in the universal rights of all people” by US President, Joe Biden, the author of this note submit and pray in the larger interest of humanity as under:
“To upgrade the living of humanity further need to implement throughout in the world, “the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (U.S. President Abraham Lincoln)” under ‘The Spirit Of Internationalism’ and it is necessity now, “The Spirit Of Internationalism Must Be Made Mandatory To Avoid Crime And Destruction On Earth” and to save humanity especially from the cruel in power by cruel and unlawful means do come in power” as explained and noticed in India.
Image source: https://bit.ly/3mrcVu7
The Spirit Of Internationalism Must Be Made Mandatory To Avoid Crime And Destruction On Earth

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