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NRC in Assam may be tackled via legislative route
NRC in Assam may be tackled via legislative route
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NRC in Assam may be tackled via legislative route

NRC in Assam may be tackled via legislative route
Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal indicated on Monday that any decision to challenge the final National Register of Citizens (NRC) through the legislative route could be discussed in future.
Attendance thin as J&K schools reopen
A thin attendance of students marked the first day of the reopening of primary schools in Kashmir on Monday, the first time since the abrogation of Article 370 on August 5, which was followed by a largescale security clampdown in Jammu and Kashmir.
News Analysis: India’s campaign for permanent seat at UNSC slowing down
Despite repeated assertions of its right to a permanent seat at the UN Security Council, India’s campaign for expansion of the UNSC has slowed down, available official statements suggest.
Opposition parties slam Bhagwat for remarks on reservation
Opposition leaders on Monday accused the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) of being an organisation with an “anti-Dalit mindset” after RSS Sarsanghchalak (chief) Mohan Bhagwat sought a “harmonious conversation” on the issue of reservation.
General accused of war crimes to head Sri Lankan Army
President Maithripala Sirisena on Monday named a general accused of war crimes as commander of the Sri Lankan Army, sparking concern over the appointment that the UN later termed “deeply troubling”.


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