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Bhai Mohkam Singh Sent To Two Days Police Remand For Disturbing Darbar Sahib Environment
Bhai Mohkam Singh Sent To Two Days Police Remand For Disturbing Darbar Sahib Environment
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Bhai Mohkam Singh Sent To Two Days Police Remand For Disturbing Darbar Sahib Environment

Posted: 10 Jan 2016








AMRITSAR—After arresting Bhai Mohkam Singh from Ludhiana jail on January 9 before his release, he was again today produced in the court of Judicial Magistrate Navdeep Gill. Bhai Mohkam Singh was produced in the court in relation to case registered on the complaint of SGPC for disturbing the environment of Sri Darbar Sahib on Bandi Chhod Diwas Purab.
Appearing on the behalf of Bhai Mohkam Singh in Court, the defense lawyer explained to the Court that his counsel was arrested by the Police on November 10 (same day of ‘Sarbat Khalsa’) and the Police was framing false charges against him under political pressure. He questioned that how could a person within Police custody can disturb the environment of Sri Darbar Sahib. 
However, after thoroughly going through the debate of both parties, Judicial Magistrate Navdeep Gill sanctioned two days police remand.
It may be recalled here that an FIR was lodged in the Police Station of Kotwali, Amritsar by the Manager of Sri Darbar Sahib against the Sikh activists for creating disturbance in Sri Darbar Sahib on Bandi Chhod Diwas. It is notable that Akal Takht acting Jathedar Bhai Dhian Singh (appointed by organizers of ‘Sarbat Khalsa-2015’) had addressed a message on Bandi Chhod Diwas in front of Sri Akal Takht Sahib.




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